August 31, 2011

Career Art

So, I'm still in the process of gathering prints and photos for our photo wall, and I thought it would be nice to include some prints that subtly hint at the careers that husband and I spend a majority of our time working toward.

I purchased this print {for me} and I love it!  I'm so excited to hang it up in our house :)

via etsy seller Megan Lee
I've also been looking for some bear/bull prints {for the husband- to represent the stock market/ finance} Perhaps these:

Although, it's actually harder than I thought to find a bear and bull print.  Maybe I should look for something entirely different?  Or brainstorm to DIY some art...

August 25, 2011

Fabric off the Rack

I'm always on the look out for fabric that looks like it could be used to create something hanging on racks at Anthropologie or Nordstrom's.  Today I found some :)

Papillion by Jessica Gonahca Swift for Red Rooster (found via Hawthorne Threads)
Lepidoptera Dress via Anthropologie
Also, I think I'm going to make this a weekly post.  Happy Thursday!

August 18, 2011

Around the House

I am really scatterbrained when it comes to, well, everything.  Especially projects around our house.  Here are a few things I'm working on at the moment:

- we re-painted our bedroom and I love it :) Pictures soon to come. In the mean time I'm working on finding items to hang on our walls and perhaps a coffee table--bench reno inspired by Love and Renovations for the end of our bed.

- I received my comic book boards from Amazon and have started the tedious process of organizing my fabric.  I love how they look now, but I have come to the realization that I have way too much fabric.  I see a much needed sewing marathon in my near future.
- I made my first ever craigslist purchase!  Details to come... :)

- I am still scraping off bits of wall paper border from our downstairs bathroom.  It sucks.  It's a project that I've had to walk away from for a while because I hate it so much.  I found that using a plastic (kitchen) scrubber and hot water is the only way to get the large amounts of glue and paper scraps off the walls.  The good news is that the paint has been bought and as soon as the last of the paper is gone, the painting will begin!

- The backyard.  Oh help me.  Our grass is quickly dying and I hate this area next to our patio.

Once it gets a little cooler, I'm hoping to will rip up all of the pavers, de-weed and re-lay/ extend them to the fence, and then mulch the side of the house for a "dog-run" area.  I also purchased a pair of metal chairs at a garage sale that I'm repainting & reupholstering for this space.  And, I found a small outdoor (al fresco dining) table at Target on clearance for $15 (yay), but cannot find any pictures online...

- I am slowly collecting artwork and frames for my frame wall under the staircase. One day, it too will get finished.

It really doesn't seem like that much when it's documented punch-list style, but it feels like so much every time I step through the front door.  I know it will get done, but I am easily overwhelmed. 

August 9, 2011

Odds & Ends

1.  My husband and I just started watching Breaking Bad (AMC) and we are hooked.  I think I actually like it better than this season's True Blood.

2.  Item 1 has resulted in getting little done around the house.  We still have two more seasons to get through people!

3.  In an attempt to reorganize my craft room (and hopefully sew more), I ordered these boards after seeing Maggie's organized fabric yardage:

via Smashed Peas & Carrots
I am a little anxious to get this room organized because I am constantly unable to find items I need.  It is seriously a disaster area, my husband can (and will) attest to this.  Maybe I'll post some pre-organization pictures, *maybe*.

4.  We had a bit of a scare with the Oso dog.  He has been drinking a ton of water lately, and last week he started waking us up in the middle of the night (whining) because he wants water.  The vet sounded really certain that the excessive water drinking was related to either kidney problems or diabetes.  However, we found out yesterday that the blood work they ran looks really good.  So for now, they are going to treat him for a UTI and see how he responds.

Old Bear
5.  The heat here is pretty unbearable.  I find myself so exhausted after the drive home from work (it's only 30 minutes in an air-conditioned car, but the sun takes every ounce of energy out of me).  We spend most of our time inside and I feel like I'm getting cabin fever.  This past weekend we installed window tint on the windows in our kitchen (they face west and are BRUTAL in the afternoon).  I wish we would have thought to do this sooner because it is amazing.  Our kitchen is no longer a sauna after 3 p.m. :)  I may actually be motivated enough to cook dinner now.

August 3, 2011

Guest Posting

I'm over at Love & Renovations today doing a DIY post on these chairs.  Go check it out :)

August 2, 2011


Some happy news (for you and my husband)- I have decided on a paint color for our bedroom:

via Lowes
The color is Valspar: Notre Dame (5006-1B), and it looks much more grey in person than as shown in the above picture.  I think it will go nicely with our ugly trim.  Although if it doesn't, I may be crazy enough to repaint all the trim and doors in our house a (normal) off-white and be done with it.

Here are some pictures of the color in action:

via Carrie Loves

via Simplify
via Modern Garden (warning: there is music)
via Decorating Obsessed (also, check out her awesome houndstooth wall!)
