December 21, 2011

Odds & Ends

1.  I saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night.  It was so, so good.  It followed the book pretty closely (I hate when the movie doesn't follow the book at all!).  And the acting- omg the acting!  Rooney Mara is awesome and may be my favorite actress now.

2.  Kingsley has an ear infection.  Poor baby :(  He will be going to the vet on Friday.  Maybe I can convince them to clip his Freddy Krueger nails while he's there, hmm.....

3. Five days 'til Christmas and I still have baking, shopping, cooking to do.  And send out some holiday cards. Aghhh!

4. Item 3 has me exhausted.  All I want to do is curl up on the sofa with a good episode of MI-5 (I'm hooked) and some coffee.

5.  I really wanted to do some recap posts of the last year, but I'm exhausted (see items 3 & 4).  Thus, it may or may not happen.

Happy Wednesday all!

December 14, 2011

A Christmas Wish List

1.  10-20mm||f/3.5-4.5 lens
I would love to take better pictures of my home decor... and I think this little gem would help.

via Amazon

2. 30mm||f/1.4 lens
I've heard many good things about this lens too.

via Amazon

3.  West Elm coffee table
Duh.  I've been drooling over this coffee table since I first laid eyes on it. *Cough* *Cough* husband.

via West Elm

4. Kindle Fire
I guess it's time to transition to an e-reader.  I do still read hard/paperbacks, but I also read a fair amount on kindle for iPhone.  Probably not the best for my eyesight.

via Amazon
5. Penguin Classics
For my future library :)  I already own a few of these (and of course I LOVE them) and they double as art work!
via Amazon
6. Perfume
Calvin Klein Euphoria Spring Temptation.  I tend to fall in love with items that are either 1)limited editions 2)go out of stock or businessI believe this falls under category 1.

via Amazon
7. Donations to any of the following:



MD Anderson

Town Lake Animal Shelter
8. Classes for Knitting or Crochet

Stitch Lab

December 13, 2011

WEverb11: 8-12

Day 8: Choice
What was the biggest choice you made in 2011? What caused you to choose what you chose?

Oh my, this prompt is really hard to answer.  I guess the biggest choice I made was choosing to take the professional engineering exam and choosing to study really hard for it so that I would be able to pass it.  I have a long list of choices I would like to make for 2012.

Day 9: Appreciate

In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?

I honestly can't think of one individual moments, I think I really felt appreciative year round in 2011.  There were so many moments when I absolutely felt so lucky to be surrounded by such a great network of family and friends.  I think 2012 will be the year that I take time to show more appreciation.  Little gestures like handwritten notes or phone calls come to mind.

Day 10: Create
Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself?

There are too many to share ;)  I'm planning on doing a recap of 2011, in which many of my DIY projects will make an appearance.  DIY, home decoration, crafts, and sewing are my preferred methods of creativity.  I've found that I require them on a regular basis to really be happy.

Day 11: Try
What are12 new things do you want to do/accomplish in 2012? 

1. Regular Exercise: this is really a "must" on my list.  I'm aiming for a healthier lifestyle.
2. Crochet.  Not just lines of stitches, an actually item (blanket, rug, pillow, etc.)   
3. Making Dinner every night.  This is requires a balance between my husband and myself (because I don't think I can do this alone).  Also, part of leading a healthier lifestyle.
4. Participate in a photo everyday.
5. Stay organized.  I'm not sure on the "how" yet, but it needs to happen.
6. Give up Diet Dr. Pepper.
7. Have "Meatless Mondays".
8. Give up control.  I have a really hard time doling out tasks to others, but my perspective (of "I must do everything myself") will run me into the ground one day.
9.  Invest more money.
10. Take the dogs to dog parks.
11. Take walks with my husband.
12. Doing something that scares me.

Day 12: Thrive
What was your healthiest habit of 2011? What would you like to change or do differently in 2012?

I started making protein smoothies for my husband and myself for breakfast every morning.  We are definitely starting out our days more healthier.  In 2012, I have a long list of things I want to do differently.  See Day 11 for details.

We Took Some Pictures

I have long been a fan of Stephanie's annual family photographs, and, of course, I want to share this tradition with my family :)  We missed a chance last year for our first anniversary, but I was bound and determined to get pictures for our second anniversary.  After much complaining and moaning excitement from my husband (please tell me I'm not alone in this!?!), we finally made it happen.  Our anniversary falls conveniently close to Christmas, so I'm pretty sure these photographs will double as our holiday cards every year :) 

Our wedding photographer shot these (she is awesome, by the way). I love them.  I think my husband does too.

The dogs missed out on joining us this time, but I assure you that I have some plans to include them in our cards (mwahahaha).

If you don't take photos every year, I highly recommend it.

December 6, 2011

Happy St. Nicholas Day!!!

I blogged about it last year.  You can find more about it here and here.



Last year I participated in reverb (and may or may not have finished....), so this year I'm going to give it another try with WEverb11.  Like last year, a prompt is given for each day in December and bloggers respond.  To find out more, go here.

Day 1: Choose one word.
Encapsulate the year 2011 in one word. Explain why. Imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2012 for you?

2011: Accomplishment
I became a licensed engineer, X started school again and got into grad school.  We somehow squeezed in a belated anniversary trip and our house feels more like a home now.
2012: Adventure

Day 2: Listen.
What song did you listen to in 2011 to completely change your mood?  Think about ways you can you add more music to your life in 2012.

I wouldn't say it was one song.  I listened to a lot of classical and opera music to get into "study mode" when I was studying for my exam.  I also discovered  Florence & the Machine, which puts me in the best mood.

Day 3:  Learn
What lesson did you learn in 2011 from “The School of Life” rather than a classroom?

 You can't afford to stress over every little thing.

Day 4:  Haiku
Sum up your year, via haiku

One more year long gone
Working hard to live our dreams
Loved every second

Day 5: Befriend
Did you meet any new friends this year? How did they impact your 2011?

Most of the new friends I've met have been online through twitter and Weddingbee.  Some people may not consider these "real" friends, but I look forward to hearing bits and pieces about their lives and they are some of the most genuine, sincere people I have ever met.

Day 6: Travel  
Where did you travel this year? What was your favorite part? If you didn’t get to travel, where do you want to go next year?

I traveled to NOLA with the 'bees in April.  My favorite part of this trip was getting to know some of these women a little better and, of course, it didn't hurt that we were in a fabulous city :) I went to the meet-up in 2010 and I hope to attend the next one in 2012!
Husband and I were also able to take a trip to Puerto Rico in June.  I loved being able to just relax and spend time with him. Also the food was ah-mazing.  One day I'll blog about it- promise ;)
Next year, we would like to travel to Seattle because I've had a crush on that city since forever. We'll see though what 2012 brings!

December 1, 2011

November 29, 2011

I *need*

found via CSN|Wayfair & also Joss & Main (today)
OMG this chair. 

This also brings me to my second point.  This chair is available on one of those member's only sites- Joss and Main (non-returnable + $24 in shipping), but it's also available at CSN (returnable + FREE shipping) for $20 more.  I originally found the chair on Joss and Main, but further research led me to CSN's site.  I'm not saying one site is better than the other, but this isn't the first time I've found an item on a "member's only" site that I found for a much better price/return policy/shipping policy elsewhere.

I guess my only point is this: shop around peeps... after all, there is a rather large internet out there :)

November 21, 2011

Breaking Dawn I Alamo Drafthouse

Don't worry- no spoilers here!  Feel free to keep reading even if you haven't seen it :D

On Friday, I ventured over to Alamo Drafthouse with some of my besties to check out the new Twilight movie.  If you've never been to the Drafthouse, and you live near Austin, it should definitely be on your list of things you MUST do :)  It is seriously the best way to watch movies.  You may have heard about this quirky theater via this well known video that was recently released:

via You Tube

Anyways, before each film, instead of showing annoying commercials like most movie venues, they show videos pertaining to the feature presentation. Of course for Breaking Dawn, most of the videos were about vampires. Below are a few hilarious (parody) clips that were shown... enjoy!

via Hulu

via You Tube

via You Tube

Happy Monday!!

November 17, 2011

Fabric off the Rack

Or in this case, wall.  Ever since seeing this wall paper in Stinkerpants' adorable house, I have had a huge crush on it.

via Stinkerpants

Julia Rothman for Hygge & West via Supermarket

Khristian A. Howell |The Woodlands for Anthology Fabrics via Hawthorne Threads

Odds & Ends

1. I've been neglecting this blog because of the craziness that comes with the upcoming holidays. I can't believe it's already the end of November!!

2. Husband and I are hosting a smallish Thanksgiving dinner with our parents and siblings this year. It will be our first real dinner party and I am so excited!

3. To prepare for said dinner, decoration making has been in full force around these parts. Supplies include velvet, pumpkin stems, foam pumpkins, glitter, burlap, leaves, more glitter. I think I'm close to wrapping up the decor (with only a week before Turkey day, I hope so!)... so that means an upcoming blog post w/ tutorials should appear soon :)

via Nest of Posies on Pinterest
4. Husband and I have been in disagreement about having the basset hound on the sofa. At first I was against it, but with the cooler weather I've changed my mind (I feel bad once he gets up there, he looks so warm and comfortable). Husband's argument is that it is a control issue. Not letting them on the sofa means that we are in control.  Thoughts?  Do you allow pets on your furniture?

5. Harry Potter Lego (years 5-7).  Enough said.

November 15, 2011

Guest Posting...

...over at the blog of the very lovely and crafty Joyl!!


Hop on over and say hi :)

October 19, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Days 9-12

{9} Someone You Love

Husband | X: One of my best decisions was saying yes to him

{10} Childhood Memory

Mama (in a picture of a picture)
Most of my childhood memories revolve around my mom, who stayed home with both my sister and me until we started elementary school.  Even after that, she spent the summer and holidays at home with us.  One of my favorite memories as a child, was baking cookies with her and my sister (which we would do every year) before Christmas. 

{11} Something Blue

Upholstered chair (that I still need to blog about)
{12) Sunset

October 12, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Days 5-8

{5} From a High Angle
morning coffee

{6} From a Low Angle
the basset hound & his extra skin

{7} Fruit
my favorite fall candle

{8} A Bad Habit
diet dr. pepper, you are my downfall

Stay tuned later this week for a crafty giveaway :)

October 5, 2011

October 3, 2011

October 30-day Photo Challenge- Day 3

{3} Clouds

The only cloud in the sky this afternoon.

October Photo Challenge- Day 1 & 2

{1} Self Portrait

{2} What I Wore Today

I really need a full length mirror

Today's photo challenge is clouds, this could be difficult (because it was a pretty clear sky yesterday and today will be the same)... ah the joys of living in Texas :)

September 30, 2011

30-Day Challenge

It starts tomorrow.  I'll try to post every day.  If you want to join in the fun too.... go here :)


Fabric off the Rack

Honestly, I never really liked Ty Pennington's fabric line (I know).  

Ty Pennington for Westminster | Wave in Spice via Hawthorne Threads
But when I saw the pattern on this dress, I may have changed my mind.

Jenny Dress by Goldie | Top Shop
And because I missed last week's post (lately, it seems that life has been hectic both at work and at home!)...

Storybook V | Windham Fabrics

Twist Neck Dress by Annie Greenabelle | Top Shop

September 19, 2011

Odds & Ends

1.  It almost rained this weekend at our house. Almost.  I was terribly sad that it didn't.  I love the rain!

2.  The downstairs bathroom reno is almost complete.  After two weeks of work and two season of the Vampire Diaries (which I have to admit, I loved- does anyone else watch this??).  Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures later this week of a completed project.  Here is a hint as to why it has taken me so long to finish:
via Jones Design Company
3.  Two of my favorite boys {Husband + Kingsley} celebrated birthdays this weekend.  Though husband worked on a paper for most of the weekend and I worked on the bathroom.  We did manage to leave the house Saturday to watch the game and enjoy dinner with my in-laws.

4.  Kingsley enjoyed his birthday by playing with his new favorite toy, which I discovered on Laura's blog:

As of today, it has lived up to it's reputation of being indestructible.  We shall see if it lasts another week!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

September 15, 2011

Fabric off the Rack

Garden Party | Social Climber in Gold by Anna Maria Horner

Veranda Floral Flats in Yellow via Ruche

September 12, 2011

Bronze vs. Brushed Nickel

The age old dilemma.  Or at least the dilemma that is swirling around in my mind at the moment.  The problem is that we've replaced some of the light fixtures around our house and the new ones happen to be bronze.

The new fixtures {hall way, bathrooms}:

(both via Home Depot).  Honestly, I probably would not have normally chosen to install these, but 1) they were very cost effective and 2) they match the finishes and look of the living room fan and the light in our dining area, that, I might add, were both installed by the previous owners.

So, with that in mind.... I would like to spray paint our door knobs, towel rods, and maybe sink faucets (sans the kitchen faucet and the metal surrounding the shower in the master bath) ala Young House Love.  Right now our faucets are  either silver/gold, or silver and the door knobs are all ugly gold.  In other words, they don't match AT ALL and I would like them to all match.  Would you (spray) paint them all bronze or all brushed nickel?  Is it weird for the finish on the lighting to differ from all the other metal accents?  I'm leaning towards bronze, but things like the metal surrounding our shower (could one even spray paint that?) not matching any of the other metal finishes in the bathroom bother me.  And if one bathroom has bronze accents, shouldn't they all?  And if the bathrooms have bronze accents, shouldn't the door knobs match?  Obviously this is an issue that should be tackled at the same time, and not room by room... like I'm doing.

*sigh, lesson learned*

September 8, 2011

Fabric off the Rack

Denyse Schmidt- Flea Market Fancy Bouquet via Janey Mac
Every time I see this dress, I am reminded of Denyse Schmidt and her lovely fabric.

Anthro Verdant Slip Dress

September 6, 2011

Odds & Ends

1. As I'm sure many of you have heard, we've been battling fires around Austin this weekend.  Primarily northwest and east of Austin (the one near Bastrop is still 0% contained).  It is really scary to see and smell the smoke from a blaze nearly thirty miles away.  If you are interested in helping, go here or here- nearly 600 homes in Bastrop alone were destroyed :(

Bastrop Fire :(

2.  Speaking of fires, this weekend my husband kept freaking me out with questions like what would you take if we needed to leave? if there was a fire?  Um isn't that supposed to be a theoretical question?  But it was so real to many, many people this weekend.  It has definitely made me rethink (once again) about all of the things in our house.  Things that could be gone in an instant.  Things that we may or may not miss. 

3.  Part of our fence fell over Sunday morning.  (OMG it was windy)  Which means, at the moment, that we are sharing a yard with our neighbors, and (of course) the dogs are having a grand time enjoying the extra space and company.  It also means that most of Monday was spent digging up fence posts and cementing in new ones.  Thank goodness it was cooler!

4.  Speaking of cool, today is a big day:

Pumpkin Spice is back!!!  This means fall is officially here, right?  So I can start decorating?  Lets hope the cool weather sticks around for a while, so it actually feels like fall too :)

September 1, 2011

Fabric off the Rack

Full Moon Polka Dot (Cherry) by Amy Butler via Hawthorne Threads

In Full Color Dress via Modcloth