December 13, 2011

We Took Some Pictures

I have long been a fan of Stephanie's annual family photographs, and, of course, I want to share this tradition with my family :)  We missed a chance last year for our first anniversary, but I was bound and determined to get pictures for our second anniversary.  After much complaining and moaning excitement from my husband (please tell me I'm not alone in this!?!), we finally made it happen.  Our anniversary falls conveniently close to Christmas, so I'm pretty sure these photographs will double as our holiday cards every year :) 

Our wedding photographer shot these (she is awesome, by the way). I love them.  I think my husband does too.

The dogs missed out on joining us this time, but I assure you that I have some plans to include them in our cards (mwahahaha).

If you don't take photos every year, I highly recommend it.


  1. You guys look beautiful & I love the idea of doing this every year. Maybe we'll do one next year!

  2. such a great picture of you two! The lighting is lovely. I love doing anniversary pictures - I think I can only get E to agree to do them every other year...

  3. Those pictures are so cute!! I don't know how you picked just one to feature, I love so many of them!

  4. You're just as gorgeous as ever! Your hair looks fantastic, and I love the lighting.

  5. Awww - thanks for the shout out and I LOVE the pic! And, don't worry, the U bitches and moans every. single. year. But then he loves the photos. :)
