March 7, 2011

Three Things

1) This, I don't understand:

"Sturdy cellulose, crafted to look like a rumpled and rolled paper sack." Anthro, I love you, but a washable paper bag?  Really?

2) This, I want:

I think it would go very nicely with these (ahem, if they ever come out of their boxes...):

3)  I recently discovered there is a Sprinkles in Houston.  Yes, I will be going when I'm in town next weekend.  Yes, I may go all three days.  Yes, I may bring some home.  Hellloooo cupcakes :)

Happy Monday, All!


  1. Mmmm Sprinkles! I may have to make a special trip to Houston soon just for that!!

  2. That towel is adorable. Is the bag supposed to be a shopping bag or lunch bag or something?

  3. Hmmmm, yeah I don't get the first one either!

  4. haha i love the reusable paper bag, hilarious

  5. Are you saying you DON'T need a washable paper bag?! ;)
