February 23, 2011

Office Furniture

Yesterday I received some very happy news:  my business is relocating to another office space!  This means a few things for moi:  a larger office, an actual window, new furniture, and an opportunity to make my work space my own. 

At this point I'm searching for a new desk.  My current desk is old and cramped.  I'm hoping to come across something a little larger and more modern.  Right now, I have a serious love affair with furniture that combines metal and wood. 

Some of these are quite a bit out of my price range, but I think they serve as a good foundation for inspiration!


  1. I love the 3rd desk! We are about to get a desk for our home office from World Market and I love it, but it probably wouldnt work for your workspace!

  2. I like #4 the best! It is amazing you will have a window and an office, congratulations!
