March 26, 2013


Where the heck has the first quarter of the year gone?? Once again, I cannot believe this year is just flying by so quickly. Also how have I not posted since January?!

My husband gifted me a nice, shiny sewing machine for Christmas last year and it has been getting a TON of use. I just finished up my third baby quilt of the year this past weekend, and I'm starting to sketch out some ideas for a few new quilts. My sister also gifted me a journal for Christmas that has been absolutely perfect for this.

My husband has also been hinting that I should make us a quilt- something that has been on my "to-do" list for quite a while. Once upon a time, long ago, I made cocktail napkins for our wedding and I have still have fabric + some left over napkins that are patiently waiting to be sewn into something. I don't think I have enough fabric for my original idea, so I've been brainstorming a few new layouts. Nothing set in stone yet, which means it may be awhile before I actually start piecing together a quilt top, but I'm excited to start the process. 

I also picked up a few sewing patterns that I really want to try out, including this dress and this tote. I was lucky enough to see this tote, and it's seamstress, in person at QuiltCon :)

And since I haven't had any time to edit the photos of my recent quilts (yet), I'll leave you with this little sneak-peak from one. 

Happy Tuesday everyone!

RIP Google Reader

Along with pretty much everyone else in the blogging world, I too am pretty bummed that Google Reader is calling it quits. I'm still deciding on some alternative platforms to view my favorite, blogs (mainly feedly  & bloglovin')

In order to prep for the inevitable, you can find me here:

I'll be back with soon with some new posts!!

January 24, 2013

Goals, goals...... goals

I am a horrible goal setter. Wait, let me rephrase that: I am great at setting goals, I am horrible at actually finishing them. I think part of the problem is that I get overwhelmed by either the number of goals or underwhelmed by the span of one year to to complete them. Also I am a champ at starting projects and never finishing (a story for another day).

So with this, I am going to test out a new method:
Set a few specific goals.

1. Finish 3 quilts. (I'm hoping to have two of them done by the end of this month/early next month- I WILL post pictures once their new owners have received them)
2. Refinish new/old dining room table & chairs.
3. Refinish new/old end table.
4. Post a house tour.

1. Cut out wheat/gluten for one day. I have come to the conclusion that I eat entirely too many carbs. The weight gain/calorie intake is one concern I have, but I've also noticed that I feel really blah after eating too much bread, tortillas, cake, {insert bread product here} etc.
2. Weight Training. I picked up this book (after reading this post):
via Amazon
I completed week one, and I'm pretty excited to get started on week two. I want change that lasts and I feel like, after reading the book, this will help me accomplish that. Yay fitness! (And hello gym).

1.  Remove the carpet from our bathroom already. THIS WILL HAPPEN.
2.  Fix our outdoor faucets. AKA: Hire a plumber to fix our faucets. They both leak and we waste a ton of water during the summer while watering our grass.
3.  Speaking of grass, hire someone to de-weed our yard. I would love to think that this is an easy DIY task, but it's not. And if we don't take care of it now, I'll be pulling out crab grass all summer long like last year. (Trust me when I say it is the opposite of fun)

1.  Make three meals at home per week. X has class twice a week so scheduling meals during the semester gets a little tricky. But, I know this is better for our bodies and our pocketbooks.
2.  Have date night once a week. Go/Do/See somewhere or something new.

Deadline? April 30.

Even as I look at this list, there are many other "to-do" items running through my head that I really want to get done. At this point, I'm just going to focus on the items listed and try my hardest to complete them *crosses fingers*.