October 19, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Days 9-12

{9} Someone You Love

Husband | X: One of my best decisions was saying yes to him

{10} Childhood Memory

Mama (in a picture of a picture)
Most of my childhood memories revolve around my mom, who stayed home with both my sister and me until we started elementary school.  Even after that, she spent the summer and holidays at home with us.  One of my favorite memories as a child, was baking cookies with her and my sister (which we would do every year) before Christmas. 

{11} Something Blue

Upholstered chair (that I still need to blog about)
{12) Sunset

October 12, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Days 5-8

{5} From a High Angle
morning coffee

{6} From a Low Angle
the basset hound & his extra skin

{7} Fruit
my favorite fall candle

{8} A Bad Habit
diet dr. pepper, you are my downfall

Stay tuned later this week for a crafty giveaway :)

October 5, 2011

October 3, 2011

October 30-day Photo Challenge- Day 3

{3} Clouds

The only cloud in the sky this afternoon.

October Photo Challenge- Day 1 & 2

{1} Self Portrait

{2} What I Wore Today

I really need a full length mirror

Today's photo challenge is clouds, this could be difficult (because it was a pretty clear sky yesterday and today will be the same)... ah the joys of living in Texas :)