June 22, 2011


And I'm not talking about veggies.



And finally, by Forever 21, who gears there merchandise towards young girls, teenagers and women:

*the magnet has since been pulled of their website due to the high number of complaints against it

As a woman engineer, seeing this image literally made me cringe.  Although there are those naturally smart people who will breeze through engineering school (they exist, I promise), I was not one of them.  And as a minority in all most my classes (as in could count the number of other females in the lecture on my hand) and my major, I struggled with confidence through most of my college education.  Now I'm not saying that all women go through this when they choose a career dominated by males, but I did.  And shirts and magnets that seem to encourage young women to stray from the studies and career paths that could provide not only incredible potential to themselves, but also to the fields they go into, REALLY, really makes me sad. disappointed. hurt.  That people would actually think it is a good idea to print this and sell it to and profit from girls who are already struggling with their own self image really is just ....Really, don't they have enough to worry and think about without having to agonize over whether the fact that they like or are good at math and science really means that they are ugly and uncool.  Because when I look at that phrase, that's what I think young women will see. Or maybe it's just another excuse for girls to avoid things that are hard. Whatever the reason, I think it's horrible.

I'm all for freedom of speech and expression. But please, lets take a better look at how and what we are encouraging the young girls around us to do.

Further ranting can be found here, here, here.  In fact if you google it, you'll probably find a slew of other well-versed, angry rants.

*Stepping off my soapbox*


Since starting a big bonfire in our backyard doesn't seem smart right now, I may just have a pretend bonfire and this cake:

via Baking Bites

Graham cracker cake + marshmallow filling + melted milk chocolate frosting = a s'more minus the fire hazard.

June 20, 2011

Mirrors Continued

Last weekend I finally finished the mirror project:

Mirrors (spray painted): Target; Hooks: Anthropologie; Ribbon: JoAnn's

I was really looking for these hooks, but Anthro did not have them in stock.  I found the white ones and I like the way they sort of blend into the wall.  Luckily, they had exactly four in stock when I found them :)

Here's a breakdown of the cost:

Mirrors (4, Target Clearance):  ~$44
Spray Paint (1 can, Lowes): ~$5
Hooks (4, Anthropologie): ~$40
Ribbon (left over from our wedding, JoAnn's):  $0

Total:  $90

That's a little more than I wanted to spend, but I think the project was a success.  I tried to find some cheaper hooks and was unsuccessful (I think I had already had my heart set on the hooks from Anthro). 

My ultimate goal is to replace the black & white church picture with an array of black frames. And yes, that is the Karlstad sofa assembled :)  It's not very noticeable, but I also spray painted the feet- inspired, of course, by this post. I love it, my husband loves it, my dogs are not allowed to sit on it, but they love it too. We have since changed out the slip cover for this one.  It's amazing how much it lightens up the room (pictures to come).

June 16, 2011

Framed: Black or White?

I've been having this internal dilemma as I start organizing items for my array of pictures (of which I'm still deciding the location).  What is this debate you ask:  Do I go with white frames or black frames?   I figure worse case scenario, if I change my mind later on, I can always go back and paint them one way or another.


*Not sure of the source* via Lydia on Pinterest
Scandinavian Retreat via Caitlin on Pinterest
Seen & Said via Kathy on Pinterest
Space for Inspiration/ Domino via Megan on Pinterest
Family Photo Wall Display via Lyka on Pinterest
Emily Clark via Kelsey on Pinterest

OR white

Few Things From My Life via Morgan on Pinterest
Laura Winslow Photography via Sara on Pinterest
Boy Wonder/ Samantha Pynn via Kelly on Pinterest
Young House Love via Kayla on Pinterest

Houzz/ Tracy Murdock via Jennifer on Pinterest

OR mismatched

Peonies For Me via Giulia on Pinterest
*Source??* via Katherine on Pinterest
Ohdeedoh via Amy on Pinterest
Design*Sponge/ Matthew Bird via Alicia on Pinterest

OR some other color

*Source??* via Shannon on Pinterest
The Estate of Things via Liz on Pinterest
Southern Living via Kyndel on Pinterest
Live.Like.You/ Ryan Korban via Mary on Pinterest
Way too many options....

June 15, 2011

A Bookcase Redone

As I mentioned here, we moved my "Billy" bookcase into our office for the time being.  I didn't reattach the doors because I didn't want to drill a big hole in the wall (it has to be attached to the wall otherwise it is too front heavy and it WILL fall over).   After seeing it sit empty for several months, I decided it needed a face lift.  I had been looking everywhere for a wallpaper print that was 1) inexpensive 2) not too busy.  Finally I found this Graham & Brown paintable wallpaper:

I've never applied wallpaper before, so I will say this:  it is a huge PITA.  I applied the paper to the back insert of the bookcase while it was on the floor, and it was a messy, tiresome process (does practice make perfect in this case?).  I can't imagine doing this to walls or a ceiling.  Also, this wallpaper states that it is paintable, but it is really hard to get paint into all the little crevices.  I used both a brush and roller... and it still took several coats and some touch up.  I think maybe if I would have used a darker paint color, it would have been easier to see where the paint was being applied, and maybe would have taken less painting time.

That being said, here is the result:

Organizing and decorating the bookcase is a work in progress, but I think it's off to a good start.

The large blue and purple vases on the topmost shelves are from IKEA (the smaller blue vases are heirlooms from my Oma).  I made the terrarium in an empty, cleaned out Bath & Body Work's candle, the wheat/dried flower vase is a left over centerpiece from our wedding, the tea cup is a favor from one of my bridal showers, and the 'X' & 'E' are cardboard letters mod-podged with decorative paper from Paper-Source (I'm still in search of an '&').

I'm still figuring out what to do with the 4th shelf from the top- more books, perhaps? 

June 14, 2011

The Entryway

I never posted this, but I updated the entryway to our house several months ago. 


Wreath- Handmade/From Wedding, Hook- Anthro, Entry Table- World Market, Vase- giftted, Rug- Surya, Overstock (No longer available)

I was really skeptical about putting a light colored rug right by the front door.  My experience has been light colored anything near an outside door = dirty all the time.  HOWEVER, this rug is awesome because it's wool.  All I have to do is vacuum it and the dirt comes right out - it looks brand new again!  (So helpful with two dogs).  If I could afford it, I would furnish my whole house in wool rugs. (I highly recommend them, and so does Sara).

I reused the key hook (in the first picture) by moving it to our hallway closet to hold my scarves:

I was so happy that I found a way to reuse it and organize!!
Also, I've noticed the quality of my pictures drastically decrease when I upload them to my picasa web album.  I've been decreasing the size when uploading them and it screws everything up.  Somehow I forgot this, maybe I need to blog more... So, I'm going to have to re-upload all my mirror pictures before I can post them here (perhaps tomorrow??), and maybe some better pictures of the entryway...
In the mean time, here's a sneak peak :)

June 13, 2011

A Lazy Weekend

I feel like the previous weekend was far more productive than this weekend.  Instead of jumping on our list of "to-do" home improvement projects, we spent most of Saturday and Sunday lounging inside, away from the 100 degree temperatures outside.  We did manage to sneak out Saturday to grab some burgers at one of my favorite places, Phil's Icehouse, which conveniently opened a second location in south Austin :)

I also managed to finish the mirror project, and now I just need to take photos and blog about it.  I think it turned out well :)  How did you spend your weekend?

June 9, 2011

A Bookcase

I recently finished yet another project that I've been working on. It involved wall paper and the Billy Bookcase.  This bookcase used to sit in my craft room.  When we were trying to sell the house we moved it into storage, and when we took the house off the market, it came to sit in our office, which is where it lives now.  Although I love the glass doors, I haven't attached them and I'm not sure if I'll put them on again anytime soon.  Anyways, I'm still trying to organize/decorate it and, once again, I've turned to Pinterest for some inspiration:

Isuwanee via Happy Burrito on Pinterest

Flickr via Becca on Pinterest
Decor8 via Faith on Pinterest
HGTV/Simplified Bee via Joanna on Pinterest

And finally, here is a sneak peek of the bookcase:

June 8, 2011


My newest craft obsession is spray paint.  It's not quite as messy as painting and it can completely change the look of an object.  Usually I'm very much a neutrals (black, beige, white) person when it comes to furniture, but I saw this color blue* at Hobby Lobby during a recent trip and wanted to try it out.  My victim was this IKEA, outdoor, metal table that I've had for 5 years.  I failed to take any before pictures, but it was looking pretty shabby.

I think I really love it.  It will look great next to the black bench that Kingsley has claimed.

* the color is Rustoleum Satin in Lagoon

June 6, 2011


The winner of the double giveaway featuring yummy oatmeal cream pies from Kate at Marshmellow Goodness

and choice of a pretty apron from Jenn at Orange You Sweet

is Mrs. B-P!!!

The winner of the Get One, Make One giveaway from Melinda at Palindrome at Home

is Marissa!!! 

Please email me your addresses so you can receive your goodies :D  AND a HUGE Thank You to everyone who entered!!  

Extra thanks go to my wonderful friends who donated items for all of the giveaways (Kate, Jenn, Melinda, Amy, Laura, Jessica )  This would not have been possible without you!!!!

AND (best of all)......  $93 has been donated to the Lupus Foundation of America because of all your wonderful comments :) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

More Mirror Inspiration

This weekend was very productive at our house.  The Karlstad arrived Friday, and was assembled in our living room Saturday.  It looks sooooo much better and we are really happy with the result... pictures soon to come!  Unfortunately, Husband injured himself moving the old sofas into the garage (for storage, until we sell them).  He was feeling a little better Sunday night, so I think (hope) that the muscle(s) he pulled are on their way to healing.

I also painted the guest/second bathroom and removed the existing light fixture only to find out that there was no junction/electrical box installed.  Lovely, and I'm going to guess that all of the bathroom light fixtures were installed this way.  Thus, another trip to Home Depot or Lowes is in order to correct the problem. 

In the mean time, more mirrors:

Living Etc. via Birch & Bird on Pinterest

Viva Terra via Lissa on Pinterest
Apartment Therapy /Elle Decor via Cassandra on Pinterest
Hip Hostess via Lynn on Pinterest

P.S. The winners from the last two Lupus Awareness Month Giveaways + the total amount donated to the Lupus Foundation of America will be announced this evening :)