October 29, 2010

Anniversary Weekend: Part I

We kicked off our first anniversary celebration with dinner and drinks at one of our favorite restaurants in S.Austin: Habana.

Papa Rellena:

So. Good.  I could probably just have eaten a meal of these and nothing else.  They are balls of mashed potato with seasoned ground beef in the center and deep fried.  With a little salsa, they are delicious.
X and I tried to make them a long time ago when we were first dating.  It was difficult and messy- I prefer someone else to do the dirty work so I can just enjoy them :D

I ordered the chuletas fritas with arroz con grandules and black beans (fried pork chops, rice w/ chickpeas):

Their servings are so large they can easily be split between two people, which never ends up happening with us.  (We have different tastes in food, I guess).

X ordered the fricase de pollo (chicken stew), which I failed to take a picture of.

And finally, when we arrived home.  We enjoyed this:

The top tier of our wedding cake was devoured about six months ago.  We were running out of space in our freezer, so it had to be eaten, right?!  I emailed our wedding cake baker so ask her if she could make us a smaller anniversary cake, and of course, she said yes. So Friday afternoon, I drove to her new store front to pick it up!  I LOVE THIS CAKE.


  1. Sounds like a great anniversary celebration! Those papas rellenas look soooo good.

  2. I think I want to come to Texas just for the food and to see you of course! :) Your cake looks yummy! :) Happy Anniversary again!

  3. Happy Anniversary! The dinner looks so good.

  4. Happy anniversary!!!! The cake: awesome!!!!! There is something so sweet (no pun intended) about anniversary cake and it doesn't matter that it's not the original top tier...in fact it's better. We had a different top tier, but it's the idea that gives me the warm fuzzies.
