January 11, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend, X and I started a long list of projects that will hopefully prep our house to be sold sometime mid-year.  While X focused on some much needed yard work (pulling weeds and replacing fence boards), I stayed warm and cozy inside cleaning out and organizing my craft room.  Now that (most of) my left over wedding supplies are stashed away, I can't wait to start on some new projects that are buzzing around in my head.  Here are a few that I want to start on-

Make use of my new dressform

X surprised me with a dressform for Christmas.  I have a few skirts and a shirt I've been wanting to make for a while- now I may actually get them finished!

Decorate my Calender

Back in December I entered one of the fun giveaways on m.writes, and I actully won this cute little calender.  I have a big supply of embroidery thread that needs to be used, and I think this project will be perfect for it.  The calender will hang in my craft room, of course.

Wishing everyone a happy Monday and a great week!


  1. Jealous! I really really want a dressform :)

  2. I wish I could sew! That would've made my curtain project even better :)
    Thanks so much for your nice comment about my dressing room!
